[INSPIRE] Surround Yourself with…

urround yourself with

“Surround yourself with people who INSPIRE, ENCOURAGE, SUPPORT, and CHALLENGE you in a way that positive growth is inevitable.”
~ Chanelle A. Watson

We all have our circle of influence, the people who influence our lives in a positive or negative way. The people who we go to when we need advice or we need help in any way. The people who we are willing to help with anything because he or she was there for us. The people who will allow us to attend and stay in our own pity party or the people who will inspire us and encourage us no to sulk. The people who support our dreams and goals or the people who will support us but not fully. The people who….

These people can be family or those who we consider to be close friends, maybe even associates. They are specific to where we have been, where we are, or where we are going in our lives. They can be classified as “our reasons, seasons, or lifetime” people. Some have been “drawn” to us and others have been “lead” to us.

As we continue to grow in all areas of our lives,  it is our duty to choose who we allow to remain or enter our circle. In order to do that we must be aware of how we show up in other people’s lives and how we allow them to show up in ours. We have to choose our circle wisely but also remember that we are apart of that circle. We can’t require of others what we are not willing to give to them. Who we surround ourselves with should mirror the direction we are going in our lives.

If we are growing passed drugs and alcohol than those we surround ourselves with should be going & growing in that same direction. If our goal is to have positive energy radiate in our lives than those we surround ourselves with should have the same goal. If we want to grow a deeper relationship with God then we have to surround ourselves with people who are doing that and have insight on how to do that as well.

Today, I encourage you and myself to:

1) Examine ourselves and what we want to see out of the remainder of this year and our lives in general. Then examine our circle of influence and the people we surround ourselves with. Do they both align with each other? If not, what can we do to make sure both are on one accord?

2) See how we are showing up in the lives of others. Are we giving off to others what we want to receive from them?

In order to be able to step out of our own way, in order to accomplish the goals we have for this year and beyond, and in order to have people in our lives who INSPIRE, ENCOURAGE, SUPPORT, and CHALLENGE us in a way positive growth is inevitable, we have to make sure we are giving what we want to receive.

Choose your circle wisely, but remember you are apart of that circle.

Until next week, KEEP GOING and STAY ENCOURAGED because your VICTORY is already WON!

Chanelle A. Watson
Author, Chef, & Entrepreneur
Inspirational & Motivational Enthusiast

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